Thursday, February 16, 2006

yes, Yes, YES!

I'm watching this documentary on Swedish TV tonight, with my mouth hanging open. This woman, maybe around 40 years old, has a disease called PSAS, or orgasm disease. Earlier, she would probably be diagnosed as a nympho, but it's a physical condition, that makes her have orgasms all day long! Vibrations makes them come more often, so anything from blow drying her hair to vacuuming to driving the car, makes her orgasms more intense. Can you imagine?! I mean, we women usually have to work a bit to reach an orgasm, not to mention all the work that leads up to a truly intense one! But she just gets them effortlessly, everyday, as often as 300 times A DAY! The orgasms are more intense during the night, she rarely sleeps threw the entire night because the orgasms keep waking her up! This disease also makes her sex drive higher than normal, so she seems to never get enough. You would think any guy would jump at a woman like that, but she actually got dumped because of her high sex drive and all of her orgasms!! She can't have a normal job, because she finds her orgasmic "illness" a bit to demanding and it's made her shy. I just don't get this. I know I'm being prejudice, but wouldn't you love to be in her shoes for a day or two? I know I would. Imagine experiencing 300 orgasms in a single day! I don't get that in a year! Or in two years! Not by a long shot.

I think I'm a bit envious.

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