Tuesday, February 28, 2006

From Hodjas blog:

Women have a strong innate jealousy, which may lead to strange attitudes, as happened to the ‘Mothers of the Believers’ [i.e., Muhammad’s wives]. That does not diminish their rank and dignity.
[Qur’an] Commentary, Grade 9, (2000) p. 148
O people, you owe your wives their right and they owe you your right. They are obliged to you not to let someone else into your bed, not to let someone whom you hate into your house without your permission, and not to commit an evidently vile sin. If they do, then God has permitted you to oppress them, avoid being with them in bed, and beat them – but not harshly.
From Muhammad’s last sermon, Arabic Literature, Grade 10, (1999) p. 51

Bloodmoney for a free male Muslim… is a hundred camels.
Bloodmoney for a free infidel is half the bloodmoney for a Muslim…
Bloodmoney for a woman is half the bloodmoney for a man, each one according to her religion, as bloodmoney for a Muslim female is half the bloodmoney for a Muslim and bloodmoney for an infidel female is half the bloodmoney for an infidel.
Islamic Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001) p. 46

As for women – their testimony is not accepted in [matters of] legal punishments [Hudud] and homicide cases [Dima’].
[Islamic] Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001)p. 74

There have been many proofs for the command of the veil and the prohibition of beautification and unveiling… God has imposed on the woman the duty to cover her whole body in order to be safe because of her veil from the offenders’ insults… He has prohibited beautification and unveiling because of the scandalous deeds they lead to.
[Islamic] Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001) p. 65

The presence in private of a man with a strange woman, as well as mingling with men , are two of the most serious things leading to adultery and the greatest harm. Therefore, God’s Messenger forbade such mingling…
Islamic Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001) pp. 67-68

It is best for a woman to protect herself from going out from home whenever possible.
[Islamic] Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001) pp. 67-68
One of the most difficult matters for a sensible woman is threatening her with divorce. The matter becomes more difficult if the husband replaces her with someone who is better than she is.
[Qur’an] Commentary, Grade 9, (2000) p. 151
The usage sanctioned by tradition for divorce is that it takes place when the woman is not in her monthly period, no intercourse occurs between the couple, and he divorces her in a definite manner i.e., saying the phrase of divorce once, or even twice, but not thrice…
[Qur’an] Commentary, Grade 9, (2000) p. 132

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