Thursday, November 23, 2006


Well, even though my "monster" doesn´t get soothed so easily, it also takes a bit more to release it. I think...... Or would like to believe! But this film clip is really funny and a bit annoying.You guys don´t really think it´s THAT easy to please the PMS do you? As if we wouldn´t get suspicious right away!! And now we all understand the origin of werewolves......

Ha ha, I didn´t know he had it in him!

Rumsfeld can be funny, just watch!

Friday, November 10, 2006

You´ve got to be kidding me!

This is why I don´t like religion - at all:

The blog of Marc Driscoll

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Revenge, thy name is Pelosi!

After six years of republican majority, the American people have had it with the political scandals, arogance of power and an all too expensive war. Bush´s nemesis could be a woman, Nancy Pelosi. Looking forward to the show!

Cops killed Politkovskaya?

The Russian media has pondered the question Who killed Anna Politkovskaya? since she was murdered. The Russian newspaper Kommersant claims two former policemen are responsible. The motive? Revenge. Politkovskaya wrote that the two cops were involved in the murder on at least one civilian. That´s okay then! Solve one murder with another! How clever! They must fell oh soo smart!

Monday, November 06, 2006

And the question of the day, is........

What is the definition of the term "Norwegian"? According to our Language Council, that term defines a person that belongs to the group of people that traditionally has populated this country. In other words, you have to be white to be defined as a Norwegian. That´s just plain racist. Shame on them! You can´t be a Norwegian even if you lived here for two, three or even more generations? How wrong is that??

Monday, October 30, 2006

Way to go, Britain!

It´s quite incredible, you know. How on earth did they do it? Either they didn´t know or they just didn´t care. And they admitted they knew (at least now!), so it shows they just didn´t care! Talk about arrogance! How could they not think about the millions of muslims watching the Olympics? All the muslim participants? I tell you, I do not flaunt my British citizenship at the moment!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Gaw, architects!

There´s this Norwegian architect who´s well known in Norway because he likes to create big, expensive country houses for the rich. And he likes to get what he wants, and when he doesn´t, then he always manages to say something REALLY, REALLY stupid in the media. The last time it was the female public servants, that voted no for one of his country houses. He told them that they were frustrated PMS suffering hags (or something like that). Well, this time he didn´t get what he wanted again, one of his houses was considered to be visual polluting. He didn´t take that well. Not at all! He demanded a change of colour on the balls of hay you see around the country side. You know, these big, white balls that completely disappears during winter. So I ask you, what do you find most visual polluting, Finn Sandmæl or these white, round balls?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

How did they do it?

The "Scream" and "Madonna" has been recovered by norwegian police today. Although I´m happy these nationals treasures are back, and also hope that it has been a lesson for the poor security in Norwegian museums, I can´t help but wonder how on earth the police managed to find the paintings. They have been missing for over two years and all the people thought to have anything to do with the stealing of these paintings, are now in police custody. So what did the police do? They say no ransom has been paid, wonder if they´re lying? Was it an anonymous tip maybe? Have they known all along where the paintings were? I know they could have gotten them earlier, but they moved too slow and the paintings were moved. The police wont speak of this operation, not yet anyway. It can´t be just good ol´ policework, now can it? The Norwegian police just isn´t that good! Or, hopefully, I´m mistaken!

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Published in Jyllands-Posten, February 28.

MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism
After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.

We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all.

The recent events, which occurred after the publication of drawings of Muhammed in European newspapers, have revealed the necessity of the struggle for these universal values. This struggle will not be won by arms, but in the ideological field. It is not a clash of civilisations nor an antagonism of West and East that we are witnessing, but a global struggle that confronts democrats and theocrats.

Like all totalitarianisms, Islamism is nurtured by fears and frustrations. The hate preachers bet on these feelings in order to form battalions destined to impose a liberticidal and unegalitarian world. But we clearly and firmly state: nothing, not even despair, justifies the choice of obscurantism, totalitarianism and hatred. Islamism is a reactionary ideology which kills equality, freedom and secularism wherever it is present. Its success can only lead to a world of domination: man's domination of woman, the Islamists' domination of all the others. To counter this, we must assure universal rights to oppressed or discriminated people.

We reject cultural relativism, which consists in accepting that men and women of Muslim culture should be deprived of the right to equality, freedom and secular values in the name of respect for cultures and traditions. We refuse to renounce our critical spirit out of fear of being accused of "Islamophobia", an unfortunate concept which confuses criticism of Islam as a religion with stigmatisation of its believers.

We plead for the universality of freedom of expression, so that a critical spirit may be exercised on all continents, against all abuses and all dogmas.

We appeal to democrats and free spirits of all countries that our century should be one of Enlightenment, not of obscurantism.

12 signatures

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Chahla Chafiq
Caroline Fourest
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Irshad Manji
Mehdi Mozaffari
Maryam Namazie
Taslima Nasreen
Salman Rushdie
Antoine Sfeir
Philippe Val
Ibn Warraq

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Bu$h selling out

Ok, so Bu$h made a deal with the UAE regarding six US ports. I've been wondering what compelled him to do this, since he previously confidently assured us that it was the UAE who supplied the funding, through their banks, for the terrorists who supposedly attacked on 9/11.And he also claimed the UAE was involved in surreptitiously shipping nuclear equipment to Libya, North Korea and Iran. And two of the supposed 9/11 hijackers are from the UAE. And the UAE recognized Hamas as a legitimate organization long before the election. So why did Bu$h declare that the "deal was done" and that he would VETO any bill passed through congress that attempted to overturn the "done deal?

It seems the UAE invested as much as $8 billion dollars in Bu$h's father's Carlyle Group last year, and the UAE runs the corporation Dubai Ports World. And John Snow, US Secretary of the Treasury, who also signed this deal, was the previous C.E.O. of a company called CSX. CSX was a shipping company and in February of 2004 (2 months after Snow left CSX for the Bu$h administration) CSX sold it's port operations in South America to Dubai Ports World, and the Carlyle Group purchased the rest of CSX operations.

And apparantly, Bu$h's recently appointed Maritime Administrator, David Sanborn, was a CEO at Dubai Ports World until very recently.

So, do tell me, what is REALLY going on here?
Well, it's obvious my English has been corrupted:

Your Linguistic Profile:

40% General American English

35% Yankee

15% Dixie

10% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I Want to Kill All Americans and Turn The Entire World into One Muslim State, But That Will Not Affect How We Run the Ports!

An Editorial by President Khalifa bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan of the United Arab Emirates

As many of you now know, a company owned by my country is about to buy a number of your ports. Any rational look at this deal will see that it benefits both our countries, but, of course, many of you stupid infidels are all opposing this even though you don't understand the slightest thing about it. This whole controversy just makes me want to wipe out all you moron crusaders all the more, but please understand that this port deal is much more important to us than the eventual victory of Islam over the entire world, Allah willing.

Get one thing straight, this has nothing to do with port security. Your own Zionist-aligned government does all of that, you abominations to my sight. It's not like because we run a couple cranes in America that suddenly we can sneak in some nerve gas, you idiots. Even if we could, how suicidal do you think we are? If we let terrorists use the ports, it's not like it would take Sherlock Holmes to trace that back to us since we own them. Do you know how rich I am? Do you really think I want to be hiding in some spider hole like that ass Saddam? Of course, I'm using logic that would take a moment's reflection, something that's a little too advance for you mindless critics. This makes me so mad, I want to murder all you Americans in your sleep... until I remember the economic implications of that.

And stop bringing up how two of the 9/11 hijackers came from here; is America responsible for every one of its citizens? If you think the UAE was involved with in planning 9/11, then come out and say it so I can strangle you for your lies. Yes, I cheered for a moment at the deaths of so many infidels... until I remembered how much business we do in New York! My country has a huge per capita income, but it's honestly not the most solid in the world. Implications of us involved in terrorism could knock us over the edge, and, if you took a poll of our citizens, you'd see a near majority consider economic stability more important than mass murder. As much as I want you all to die, we have our own housing bubble to worry about over here. Do any of you understand that? Sometimes I think I'd have to use a pipe bomb to get through your thick skulls.

And honestly, how many of you knew your ports weren't owned by Americans before all this? I swear, if any of you raise your hands, I'll cut them off. None of you knew anything about the ports until the talking heads and harlots jumped on this issue, and suddenly all of you are like, "Oh no! The Arabs are going to run our ports and they want to kill us all!" Hell yes, we want to kill you all, but it's not like we could fit that in our business plan. Have any of you looked at our business plan? Of course not. Holy Allah, I so want to strangle you all!

All I want you stupid infidels to understand is that this deal is all business. All thing being equal, I would stab you all repeatedly and then behead you, but that is not a money making venture. So stop your stupid mouth flapping before you make us so mad that we seriously begin considering using your ports to kill you.

Khalifa bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan is the President of the United Arab Emirates and likes to watch horse and camel racing and plot the destruction of Israel between business ventures.

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More cartoons here
From Sandmonkey:

I love the way their mind works

I blame the infidels...the zionists..ehhhh....

More than 7,000 Afghans protested on Tuesday against cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad in European newspapers and condemned an attack on a Shi'ite Muslim shrine in Iraq as a "plot by infidels."

Sayed Ghulam Sakhi, head of the government-appointed Islamic Council in Ghazni, called the printing of the cartoons, the attack in Iraq and desecration of the Islamic holy book, the Koran, by U.S. forces the work of "Zionists."

"(They) are linked together and the work of the infidels," he said.

Another senior cleric in Ghazni, Mawlavi Jailani, charged that the attack on a Shi'ite shrine in Iraq last week, which has sparked bloody sectarian violence, was part of a "plot by the infidels to create hostility" between the two Muslim sects.

Damn, brain hurts from thinking.
From Hodjas blog:

Women have a strong innate jealousy, which may lead to strange attitudes, as happened to the ‘Mothers of the Believers’ [i.e., Muhammad’s wives]. That does not diminish their rank and dignity.
[Qur’an] Commentary, Grade 9, (2000) p. 148
O people, you owe your wives their right and they owe you your right. They are obliged to you not to let someone else into your bed, not to let someone whom you hate into your house without your permission, and not to commit an evidently vile sin. If they do, then God has permitted you to oppress them, avoid being with them in bed, and beat them – but not harshly.
From Muhammad’s last sermon, Arabic Literature, Grade 10, (1999) p. 51

Bloodmoney for a free male Muslim… is a hundred camels.
Bloodmoney for a free infidel is half the bloodmoney for a Muslim…
Bloodmoney for a woman is half the bloodmoney for a man, each one according to her religion, as bloodmoney for a Muslim female is half the bloodmoney for a Muslim and bloodmoney for an infidel female is half the bloodmoney for an infidel.
Islamic Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001) p. 46

As for women – their testimony is not accepted in [matters of] legal punishments [Hudud] and homicide cases [Dima’].
[Islamic] Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001)p. 74

There have been many proofs for the command of the veil and the prohibition of beautification and unveiling… God has imposed on the woman the duty to cover her whole body in order to be safe because of her veil from the offenders’ insults… He has prohibited beautification and unveiling because of the scandalous deeds they lead to.
[Islamic] Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001) p. 65

The presence in private of a man with a strange woman, as well as mingling with men , are two of the most serious things leading to adultery and the greatest harm. Therefore, God’s Messenger forbade such mingling…
Islamic Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001) pp. 67-68

It is best for a woman to protect herself from going out from home whenever possible.
[Islamic] Jurisprudence, Grade 10, (2001) pp. 67-68
One of the most difficult matters for a sensible woman is threatening her with divorce. The matter becomes more difficult if the husband replaces her with someone who is better than she is.
[Qur’an] Commentary, Grade 9, (2000) p. 151
The usage sanctioned by tradition for divorce is that it takes place when the woman is not in her monthly period, no intercourse occurs between the couple, and he divorces her in a definite manner i.e., saying the phrase of divorce once, or even twice, but not thrice…
[Qur’an] Commentary, Grade 9, (2000) p. 132

Thursday, February 16, 2006

yes, Yes, YES!

I'm watching this documentary on Swedish TV tonight, with my mouth hanging open. This woman, maybe around 40 years old, has a disease called PSAS, or orgasm disease. Earlier, she would probably be diagnosed as a nympho, but it's a physical condition, that makes her have orgasms all day long! Vibrations makes them come more often, so anything from blow drying her hair to vacuuming to driving the car, makes her orgasms more intense. Can you imagine?! I mean, we women usually have to work a bit to reach an orgasm, not to mention all the work that leads up to a truly intense one! But she just gets them effortlessly, everyday, as often as 300 times A DAY! The orgasms are more intense during the night, she rarely sleeps threw the entire night because the orgasms keep waking her up! This disease also makes her sex drive higher than normal, so she seems to never get enough. You would think any guy would jump at a woman like that, but she actually got dumped because of her high sex drive and all of her orgasms!! She can't have a normal job, because she finds her orgasmic "illness" a bit to demanding and it's made her shy. I just don't get this. I know I'm being prejudice, but wouldn't you love to be in her shoes for a day or two? I know I would. Imagine experiencing 300 orgasms in a single day! I don't get that in a year! Or in two years! Not by a long shot.

I think I'm a bit envious.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Long awaited and much anticipated

Yezz! Jack Bauer is back! You know I'm a sucker for action and what series is more action packed than "24"? It's all kick ass, shoot his MF brains out, with hard-ass Jack Bauer as the all prevailing hero. It just can't get any better! I've been looking forward to this fifth season for some time now, and tonight I'm watching the first four episodes. And I really and truly enjoy myself! Action and excitement just doesn't get any better than this! You go, Jack!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Queen of Hip-hop Soul!!

It's not because she's born the same year as I, nor is it that she's been so successful blending Hip-hop and Soul. She brought New Jack Swing to a whole new level! No, it's her distinctive voice. It was her rough, emotional, honest, painful voice that got me captured. Ever since her debut album in 1992, I've been a huge fan.

Mary J. Blige was born in 1971 and was raised in the Yonkers, Queens. Her childhood was rough, she's got a scar underneath her left eye to prove it. She cut a demo at the age of 17 (Anita Baker's Caught Up in The Rapture), which somehow made to Uptown Records, who gave her a record deal. But her debut album wasn't released until 1992. The album took the r&b world with storm and became a huge success.'s ghetto-fied grooves dominated the radio then, and they still sound fierce today.....

The lyrics displayed real life and gave the attention to the darker aspects of love and urban life. It was a marvel, her voice resonated within my whole body and shook my soul.

Mary went through a few rough patches, she was abused by her boyfriends, drank and abused drugs. And all this she showed the world with her voice. The track Sweet Thang is my favourite on the album "What's The 411?". I liked the song by Chaka Khan, but Mary did such a beautiful job on it. Oh, oh, sweet thang, don't you know you're my everything.

Lesser imitators attempted to do what the rough and ready Mary did so effortlessy back then. You know, people wanted in on the ride! Only a few actually managed it, though. Destiny's Child used the inspiration from Mary and developed their own sound, one of the few to do so. Others were just pale copies and none had Mary's rough, vocal elegance.

Now she's out with a new album, The Breakthrough, which was released on December 20. last year. It's her 7. album and I sadly haven't bought it yet. But I intend to, really soon! And I think anybody who loves music, should as well.

Hail Queen Mary!!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

This is just HILARIOUS!!

I just couldn't resist this one. My perception of stupid, conservative, Americans just got confirmed. This is a female, political blogger, although the entry isn't political. You just have to read it! It's hilarious! This is a woman who reads an article describing more evidence of the genetic link between Native Americans and Asians. And then in a flash of insight, she draws the conclusion that the Native Americans migrated here (US) themselves before the white man did. And because of that, the land didn't belong to the NA “in the first place”. The white man didn't STEAL their land!! The NA “stole it themselves”!!! OMG, she's hysterical!!:

Yet, there is no proof they were the first here. And even if they were, this is yet more proof that they originated in ASIA. Hello? . . . This is yet more evidence that we did NOT steal THEIR land. It means it was not THEIRS to begin with”

Gee, I always thought that private property was sacred to conservatives!! According to her logic, I can come and take her house and her land, kill everyone in/on it and claim it for myself, 'cause it wasn't hers to begin with!! HaHaHaHa!! Her ancestors apparently migrated for somewhere as well, her name Schlussel seems kind of German. But again, according to her own logic, the Germans can't claim Germany as their country, because the Germans of course, migrated there from Africa! As did all the rest of the human race!! That means that the only land we humans can call our own, is the place human beings came from! And it's alright for us Norwegians to take Sweden by force, or Denmark or maybe Russia. You see, it wasn't theirs to begin with!! 15.000 + years of living in one place doesn't give you property rights, thanks for clearing that up for me!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Rabbi Burns

Yesterday it was Robert Burns' 247th birthday. And by Scots all over the world, that day is celebrated by having a Robert Burns' Supper. The ritual was started a few years after Burns' death, as a tribute to his memory. The usual thing to eat during this night, is the haggis. They all stand around the table when the Haggis is brought in, and one person then recites Burns' famous poem, To A Haggis. Then they all toast the haggis with a glass of whisky. You cannot have a Burns' Night without the whisky! They will toast the Lasses,the lasses will toast the men, they'll recite poems and maybe a few songs, someone will talk about Burn's life and the evening culiminates with the company standing, linking arms and singing Auld Lang Syne . It's such a wonderful way to pay tribute to Scotlands National Poet! If you've ever been to one of these suppers, then you know what I'm talking about! And if you haven't, well, then I suggest you have one yourself! I have, a couple of years, and it's great fun! This year I haven't had the energy to have people over for a Burns Supper, I've had to much on my mind. Right now I wish I had invited to a Burns Supper after all. Oh well, maybe next year........

One of my favourite poems by Burns:

To A Mouse.

Wee sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie,
O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an chase thee,
Wi murdering pattle!

I'm truly sorry man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
An justifies that ill opinion,
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion.
An fellow mortal!

I doubt na, whyles, but thou may thieve:
What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
A daimen icker in a thrave
'S a sma request;
I'll get a blessin wi the lave,
An never miss't!

Thy wee-bit housie, too, in ruin!
Its silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An naething, now, to big a new ane,
O foggage green!
An bleak December's win's ensuin.
Baith snell an keen!

Thou saw the fields laid bare an waste,
An weary winter comin fast.
An cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel coulter past
Out thro thy cell.

That wee bit heap o leaves an stibble,
Has cost thee monie a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble.
But house or hald,
To thole the winter's sleety dribble,
An cranreuch cauld!

But Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best-laid schemes o mice an men
Gang aft agley,
An lea'e us nought but grief an pain,
For promis'd joy!

Still thou art blest, compar'd wi me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But och! I backward cast my e'e,
On prospects drear!
An forward, tho I canna see,
I guess an fear!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

What's the matter with him?

My dog is strange. He is weird. I really don't understand what goes on in his head. He doesn't dare cross a cord that happens to just lie on the floor, ie the electrical cord to my laptop. But he's got absolutely no problem having the same cord over him when he's on the floor by the sofa where I sit and write this entry. He's terrified of tings on the floor, if we move a chair for instant. He looks like he thinks it can fall over him every moment and chrush him like a flie. But he doesn't mind squeezing in between a chair, a small table and a bike, preferably with an electrical cord or two in the front, so he can be completely surrounded. It acutally looks like this makes him feel safe and secure. Go figure!

It's so sad...........

Today I went to my grandmother's with WB and my mother. Gran is permanently placed in a nursing home. And we had to clear out her apartment. Mum rented a container to throw everything away. All Gran's furniture, except an old piece she inherited from her sister, an antique sideboard. We threw away clothes, bag and bags of old clothes, old bed clothes, towls, blankets, pillows, her bed, her big, handmade coffe table, her sofa, her dressing table, her bureau, all her chairs, the dining table and every other piece of furniture. And then all of her possesions. All the knives, forks, spoons, glasses, cups and saucers, plates, pots and pans, dishes, decorations, vases, bowls, candlesticks, lamps and mirrors. We threw away her pictures, ornaments, table cloths, embroideries, olld hats, old coats, old gloves, pieces of fur, record player and bits and pieces. We only kept the photographs and papers and 22's and a couple of books and a few other pieces we thought she wanted with her. And if there was anything we would like to keep for our selves, we kept that as well. It's so sad, seeing her whole life being thrown away as garbage. My brother evenually came to help, and there was a few things he liked to keep. But nothing much was kept.

When we cleared out Gran's house a year ago, we filled nearly three containers, and my mum kept boxes and boxes of things, just THINGS. Things that you don't know what to do with, things you just can't get yourself to throw away, things you think you should keep, things that take up a lot of space. We thought we wouldn't have so much to do this time around, but there was still a substancial amount of THINGS! OMG, the things you collect during a lifetime! Not to mention all of my grandfathers papers..... They were everywhere! And since I am the oldest grandchild, I have said I'll take care of them, go thru them, read them and sort them, throw away the ones that are not woth keeping, keeping the ones that are, and giving everything concerning veteran sailors and NORTRASHIP to the National Archive or the archive of the Labour Movement. It's a monumental task, it's something I could use years of my life doing. Gran always thought I could write something about it, give my grandfather the posthumous reputation he deserved. I guess I have to start reading some of the papers soon....

We finally managed to get rid of it all, the place is almost empty now, all that's left is a few things we're gonna keep ourselves. But it got me thinking, it's this all we leave behind? All our erathly possesions, all our things that our family don't even want? The letters you've recieved during your 95 year old life, the Christmas cards, the birthday wishes, the souvenirs you get from your holidays, the books you've read, the paper clippings you've saved, the magazines you bought, the few pieces of jewellery that maybe is worth keeping, the ornaments that you enjoyed seeing in the living room everyday, the video tapes you liked watching and the music you enjoyed listening to, the monkey calendars you collected, every single thing that make your life your own, the thing that maybe defines who you are. And what happens when all those things are gone, in a single afternoon? When your family throws it all away, and doesn't think anything is worth keeping? When they don't want to keep your sheets of music beacues the don't know how to read notes, they don't want to keep the pictures you painted, beacuse they don't like the motifs? When they throw away your carefully collected china, because they aren't worth anything and they don't like the colour? When your family leaves you destitute and empyhanded, only with a couple of things they think you should hold on to. What's actually left of your life then?

I feel so sorry for my gran, and I am so happy she doesn't understand what's going on. I think I would have been absolutely devestated if this happened to me and I was aware of it all. I know that the things you own isn't your LIFE, but it sure is a big part of it!! I think I want to live my life with all my things around me, and get rid of the pieces I don't wanna keep, give away the things other people may want and maybe not end my life surrounded with so many things and so much considered junk by others. It's all so sad, and I am feeling really blue right now. I'm in a funk right now, I didn't enjoy today at all..............

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Arrrghhh!! Again?!

Well, I'm back, back lying on my stomach on the floor. Oh, what a wonderful way to spend a day!! NOT! I had just finished walking my dog, and since I had i bit of time before I had to catch the subway, I thought I should be clever and take some boxes with Christmas decorations and carry them up to the attic. Well, that turned out just great!! The boxes weren't heavy or anything, but stupid me thought I could take all three of them at the same time. And when I bent down to take them in my arms, I obviously di d something very wrong. OMG The pain!! The pain in my lower back was just awful, I froze, I couldn't say a word or scream, I couldn't even breathe! I just had to stay in that position until the pain ebbed slowly away. And then I couldn't get up. I just couldn't, my back was not able to straighten itself, I crawled into the living room. My excercise mat was on the floor, because I used it last night. And I hadn't removed it, was that because on some unconcious level I knew I would have great need for it today? I lay down on my stomach and tried to get my back to do my bidding. Not so easy, let me tell you! I managed to get my laptop and phone down to the floor, and here I am, trying to type away. Not so easy, really, it isn't! And there's not a Goddam thing I can do at the moment, and it's really pissing me off. Having a comfortable time while my back is this way, is out of the question. So I just have to spend some time on this mat, I guess it's just what I deserve, beeing so NOT careful when lifting the boxes.... Well, speak to you soon, I don´ t have much else to do today. I can't even work from home, although I have an excellent Internet connection. So I guess I'll just have myself some boring and painful hours now! But y'all enjoy your day!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Christmas is definitely over, sadly. I think Christmas is a wonderful time of the year, with lots of mouth-watering food, long, cosy nights in the sofa, plenty of time to have dinner parties and to meet of with friends I don usually see as often as I would like. I guess it's time to take down all the Xmas decorations now.

Yeah, I know it's been several weeks since my last post, and I PROMISE I'll write more often from now on. But right now I just have to say YOU'VE GOT TO SEE FIREFLY - the series. It's the most amazing show ever, I'm totally hooked!! I'm gonna watch an episode more tonight, and I'm gonna enjoy it sooo much! I actually think it's the best tv-series ever made. I've borrowed it from a friend, but I really gotta buy it myself. I totally want to see it again! And again and again..... If you've missed it, then buy it and get blown away!!

Happy New Year!