Monday, November 07, 2005

Things about me that holds no interest whatsoever for anybody else

For all you folks that think I'm selfish, egotistical, self absorbed and full of my self, here are 100 things about me to prove you right! It take quite a lot of time writing this list, but after having seen so many other doing the same on their blogs, I thought what the h...! So here goes:

I was born on Friday, April 23rd.

-A child born on a Friday is doomed to misfortune.

-A voyage begun [on a Friday] is sure to be an unfortunate one.

-If you hear anything new on a Friday, it gives you another wrinkle on your face, and adds a year to your age.

-Don't move on a Friday, or you won't stay there very long.

-A child born on a Friday is doomed to misfortune

Lucky me

I'm the oldest sibling of three, always the responsible one!

I was the laughing stock of my entire school when I was 14, included the teachers, the principal, the cafeteria-ladies, the janitor and the cleaning ladies. All because of a heavy crush on an older boy. I'm sure my soul is still scarred from that year!

I had my appendix removed when I was 15. Everybody thought I would die, I was told I was only 1-2 hours away from dying because my appendix bursted 5 days before I got to the hospital. That's my nearest-death-experience so far!

Purple has been my favourite colour for at least 20 years.

I've never broken any bones in my body.

I've never been in a real fight, maybe because I'm a girl, but I've had my shares of bastards I wanna kick in the groin!

I love Cadbury's Milk Chocolate

I don't like coffee, but I adore tea

I'm a sucker for action movies

I wanna be Buffy, just so I could snuggle Spike

My mum's family has origins from England, Spain, France and Chile, and I favour her colours.

I'm sometimes mistaken for NOT being Norwegian

I hate racists, Nazis and fascists

I'll be glad when all the human ethnicities on Earth are so well blended that race no longer exists.

The farthest North I've ever been is Trondheim

The farthest away I've ever been is New Orleans

When I was young I was tall and thin. I'm still tall

I've never thought of my self as pretty, and neither did my ex. WB does though, bless him!

Sometimes I feel less than girlie because I don't care about celebrities' personal life.

Sometimes I feel less than girlie because I don't watch soaps on TV.

I love books and wish my library consisted of more than 1,000 + books

I dream of being a published writer

I wish I had time to do projects: books, arts, cards and creativeness, whatever, all the time

I SUCK at karaoke

I don't consider myself slutty

I still want to believe it's possible for a woman to be friends with a man without there being any hope for sex on his part

I'm really quite shy when meeting new people, my friends call me the Ice Queen

I want a couple more tattoos

I love a back rub

I'm secretly a geeky 14 year old

I like to cook and in another life I would be a chef

I fantasize about being rich, even though it's such a cliché!

I have a cyst in my brain

Last kiss, this morning, with my boyfriend

Last movie: Serenity. It was good

Last annoyance: This MF sales-bastard, trying to get me to invest money in some foreign investment-scheme I've never heard of and trying to convince me his name is Dan Miller, when he's got an accent thicker than porridge and I can hardly understand anything he says. And he wont take NO for an answer, that really pisses me of!

I'm too old and too tall to be scolded

I hate crappy driving and rudeness. Norwegians need to learn a bit British politeness

I fear heights and fires

I regret ever meeting my ex and throwing away 12 years of my life

I learned English before Norwegian, but have forgotten it all

I was a virgin until the ripe old age of 17 years and 8 months

I have a magpie-like attraction to things that sparkle

I read FREAKISHLY fast

One year I read over 300 books

Now I read an average of around 50-60 books a year

I make an awesome girlfriend

I also make an awesome single girl

My favourite smells are chocolate, rain, old books and freshly cut grass

I can be impatient and critical

I can also be generous, sympathetic, thoughtful and supportive

Orchids and tulips are my favourite flowers

I love the names of Scottish villages and castles

I love shopping

I've NEVER done any drugs. I guess that makes me a prune

Some music makes me sob

I always wear make-up, but NOT in my sleep

I would like nicer looking nails

I played handball for 10 years until I hurt my elbow, I played tennis for a couple of years, and these last couple of years I've been doing kick boxing. I never did any girlie things, like gymnastics and ballet

I try to go snowboarding, sailing, cycling, diving and white water kayaking

I love the ocean

I love the mountains

I love to swim

I'm fascinated my eastern culture

My favourite artists are Turner and Michelangelo

I love music

I love the words neophyte, loquacious and gewgaw

And the words virago and alpenglow

I've got a mole on my cheek, in earlier time it would have been called a beauty spot

I'm nearsighted

I don't like cows, they're big, slow, clumsy, stupid and dangerous

I'm lazy

I think a long walk in the woods or in the mountain with hot chocolate on a thermos is romantic

I make my own X-mas cards, 50 each year

This year I'm also making some of the presents I'm giving away for X-mas

I don't want kids

I dream of my own garden

I love my friends and my family

My only living grandparent is my maternal grandparent, who's soon 95

I have a nephew I don't see as much as I would like

I'm looking for a house to build

My boyfriend and I have just bought a piece of land

I'm still angry at the MF who owns a murderous Rottweiler that savagely attacked my poor Leo and bit a hole in his neck.

I would like to hospitalize that dog-owner

I smoke

I love sleeping

I hate ironing

I want more hours in the day

I spend far too much money on magazines

I've got at least 100 books that I haven't read yet

I think Keanu Reeves is LOOKING GOOD

My favourite actors are Johnny Depp, Liam Neeson, Jeff Bridges, Michael Caine, Judy Dench, Anthony Hopkins and Tom Hanks

My favourite comedian is definitely Billy Connolly

I would like to eviscerate that Rottweiler

I like to think my life is worth living

I'm having a hard time finding 100 things about me

I'm gonna have a cup of tea when I'm done with this

Then I'm gonna look at the show with nerds trying to play soccer

I would like to be a painter

I love fairies, elves, dragons, unicorns, wizards, trolls, dwarfs and all thing magical

I'm happy to be done with this meme!

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