Thursday, November 17, 2005

A couple of things I did/thought about today

Today I bought myself a beautiful, cute fairy, a Christmas ornament. Actually I bought two, but the plan is to keep only one and give the other away as a Christmas gift. IF I can manage to decide which one I want to keep and which one to give away and if I can manage to part from any of them.

There are actually some anti-feminist women out there, believe it or not. Women who are conservative and old-fashioned, who want nothing else than be taken care of of a man. Shame in you! Not because you think the way you do, I totally respect that. But because you blame feminism for the lack of males in your life, the lack of relationships. What's the point in blogging about your pitiful, miserable lives and blaming it on feminists? I mean, do you REALLY think, honestly, that feminists have scared all the men away? That feminists have destroyed your love life? Or are you just trying to blame someone, something for your lack of luck in the love department? Ever thought it could be your own fault? Ever thought you appeared a bit too demanding? Too clingy? Too ready for family and wedding? Too pushy? Or is it really your opinion that feminists scared the men away? If you do, then why on earth don't you run into the street and yell of the top of your lungs: I am NOT a feminist! Come and love me! Buy me a diamond ring and take care of me and support me financially! THAT should make the men flock to you like flies to shit, eh? Then you would have the pick of all the men you claim feminists have scared away, the manly men! And you could be happy in your conservative, little life. F... you!!!

The Norwegian Salvation Army degraded one of its officers this week, after 22 years in the army. He, of course, is gay, openly so and although the Salvation Army has looked the other way for quite a while, they suddenly decided to take action. What I don't understand is why this officer would even want to be in an organization that so openly doesn't respect gays (and lesbians). Some think the Salvation Army should adjust to this time and life, after all, it is 2005 so they should maybe be a bit more up to day, a bit modern and open. HELLO?! The Salvation Army and every other Christian society and organization reads, follows and believes a fairytale-book written nearly 2,000 years ago!

HAHAHAHAHA! Enrique Iglesias is to promote extra SMALL condoms. He has just as little to offer in bed. as with his music! Mooowaaaahhahaha!

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