Tuesday, October 18, 2005


A colleague told me about this really interesting site, librarything.com. It lets you catalog all your books and use tags to organize them. I love the fact that it has the ability to merge information from over 30 libraries around the world, including amazon. com and .co.uk. It easy to use, practical and simple. I love it! You can choose whether you want to keep your list private or share it with others. It's highly useful, easily accessible, has flexible means of storing, sorting and retrieving information. I've always wanted to catalog my books electronically, but never got around to it. I had most of them written up manually, but librarything,com changed all that. It does take a bit of time though, when I don't have my books electronically ('cause then you could just import the list!) and I've found out that I have far, FAR fewer books that I originally thought. I will pass 1, 000 books, but I really did think I had more books than that...... Anyway, it's wonderful! I am completely and totally addicted to this website!! Check it out!!


Tim said...

I did a Google Blog search and found this. Wow, thanks. What a great review!

Let me know if you have any suggested improvements. (I know, for example, that Scandinavian book searches are a little rocky.) LibraryThing's growth and development have been very much driven by user requests.


Nymphidia said...

WoW! Thanx! I thought I would do a review on my Norwegian blog as well.
And you´re quite right, it´s not that easy searching Scandinavian books.
But we do have a couple of good Amazon-like sites that you could
approach and just maybe they would be interested? The sites are

Unfortunately, I don´t know of a lot of sites in Sweden or Denmark, but I
have heard of these:


Thanks again and keep up the good work!