Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Avian flu, the scare of the decade

Why is the media so obsessed with avian flu? Why do they spread this kind of terror amongst us? A few years ago the scare was anthrax and smallpox, a few years before that it was the "flesh-eating bacteria", and before that it was the Ebola virus and Lyme disease. It goes so on into the distant past. And this year it's the avian flu. Shouldn't we concern ourself about what's REALLY scary, like the things we encounter everyday? About the cigarettes we smoke or alcohol we consume? The fat and the sugar we stuff in our bodies? Unprotected sex? Violence? Domestic violence? War? Trafficking? Famine? We could die in a car crash tomorrow, you know! What about pollution? The thaw of the polar ice? So much threatens us globally and locally, so many things are more real to us than the POSSIBILTY that the avian flu some day will be contagious between people. But then again, maybe it's easier to be afraid of something that's not real. This is an extract from an editorial in todays The New York Times, written by Abigail Zuger, M.D.

Scare yourself silly, but the Real Terrors Are at Your Feet:

"I was crossing Third Avenue yesterday and I was coughing so hard I had to stop and barely made it across," a patient told me last week. "I'm really scared I'm getting the avian flu."

I just looked at him. What could I say? He has smoked two packs of cigarettes a day for the last 50 years. He has coughed and wheezed and gasped his way across Third Avenue now for the last 10 years. His emphysema is not going to get any better, but it might stop getting worse if he were to stop smoking.
He made it clear long ago that this is not going to happen. When it comes to the whole cigarette/health question, his motto, apparently, is "What, me worry?"

But the avian flu - now there's a health scare a person can sink his teeth into. So scary and yet, somehow, so pleasantly distant. So thrilling, so chilling, and yet, at the same time, so not here, not now, not yet. All in all, a completely satisfying health care fear experience. Unlike his actual illness.

Scary movies give children nightmares. Scary health news gives adults the extraordinary ability to ignore the immediate in favor of the distant, to escape from the real (and the really scary) into a far easier kind of fear.

A few years ago, a young woman waited patiently to be seen in our office after hours. She was a patient of one of my colleagues, but she couldn't wait for their scheduled appointment; she needed to see someone right away.

"I'm worried I have Lyme disease," she said. "I have all the symptoms. I think I need to be treated."

"But you have AIDS," I said.

"I'm tired and weak and I have fevers and sweats. I've lost my appetite. I can't think straight. I'm losing so much weight!"

She had seen a TV news report on Lyme disease, and then she had checked the Internet. All her symptoms were right there.

"But you have AIDS," I said. "And you don't want to take meds. That's why you're feeling so bad."

"I'm really scared about Lyme disease," she said. "I really need to get treated."

"If you want to be scared, how about that untreated AIDS of yours?"

We looked at each other. It was an impasse. The fact that logic was on my side mattered not at all: evidently the real was just a little too real for her. How much better to find another illness to be scared of, obsess over, get treated for, get rid of.

Eventually she coerced my colleague into testing her for Lyme disease and treating her despite negative tests. Then she decided her symptoms might actually be due to a brain tumor, instead. And so it went, until she died of AIDS.

Of four patients I saw in a single hour last week, three announced how scared they were of the avian flu. I reassured them, but there was quite a bit I did not say, and here it is.

I did not say: If you want to be scared, then how about that drug habit of yours you think I don't know about? How about the fact that you are 100 pounds overweight and eat nothing but junk? How about the fact that in a few short months Medicaid is going to stop paying for your very expensive medications and no one knows how just high that Medicare Part D deductible and co-payment are going to be? I did not say: If you want something to be scared of, how about the drug-resistant Klebsiella that is all over this very hospital, an ordinary run-of-the-mill bacterial strain that has become so resistant to so many antibiotics that we've had to resurrect a few we stopped using 30 years ago because they were so toxic.

That Klebsiella is one scary germ. It's in hospitals all over the country, and by now it's probably killed a thousandfold more people than the avian flu.

But you don't hear much about our Klebsiella. Like our bad habits and our dismally insoluble health insurance tangles, our antibiotic-resistant bacteria are with us, right here, right now. Apparently they all lack the drama, the suspense, the titillating worst-case situations that energize our politicians and turn into a really newsworthy health care scare.

They're all just too real.

Where did fall go?

Today it snowed............... Winter is obviously here. It had been a nice fall, lots of sun, yellow, orange and red leaves falling down from the trees. The only drawback is that it gets darker and darker and darker...... The sun is not up when I get up in the morning, it's dark when I take Leo on his morning walk. It gets gradually lighter when we're out in the morning, but then it gets dark again when I take him for his afternoon walk. It's actually quite depressing and no wonder many of us feels dog-tired this time of year! We're suffering from lack of sun! October is a month of fall, it shouldn't be winter now! It's not even Halloween yet, and winter's here. I wish it was still fall......... On the bright side, the weather forecast for the next few days are looking good! It will be warmer, so I guess the snow hasn't come to stay!

I Love Fall

I love fall! Fall is exciting.

It's apples and cider.

It's an airborne spider.

It's pumpkins in bins.

It's burrs on dog's chins.

It's wind blowing leaves.

It's chilly red knees.

It's nuts on the ground.

It's a crisp dry sound.

It's green leaves turning

And the smell of them burning.

It's clouds in the sky.

It's fall. That's why....

I love fall.

A Little Elf

A little elf

Sat in a tree

Painting leaves

To throw at me.

Leaves of yellow

And leaves of red

Came tumbling down

About my head

Fall, leaves, fall by Emily Bronte

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers away;

Lengthen night and shorten day;

Every leaf speaks bliss to me

Fluttering from the autumn tree.

I shall smile when wreaths of snow

Blossom where the rose should grow;

I shall sing when night's decay

Ushers in a drearier day.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


A colleague told me about this really interesting site, librarything.com. It lets you catalog all your books and use tags to organize them. I love the fact that it has the ability to merge information from over 30 libraries around the world, including amazon. com and .co.uk. It easy to use, practical and simple. I love it! You can choose whether you want to keep your list private or share it with others. It's highly useful, easily accessible, has flexible means of storing, sorting and retrieving information. I've always wanted to catalog my books electronically, but never got around to it. I had most of them written up manually, but librarything,com changed all that. It does take a bit of time though, when I don't have my books electronically ('cause then you could just import the list!) and I've found out that I have far, FAR fewer books that I originally thought. I will pass 1, 000 books, but I really did think I had more books than that...... Anyway, it's wonderful! I am completely and totally addicted to this website!! Check it out!!

Friday, October 14, 2005


At last, L has delivered a tiny babygirl, weighing only 2800 grams. It happened tonight and I bet she's beautiful!! I can't wait to visit and admire this little wonder! I am so happy and excited and want to congratulate the parents!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Things that annoyed me today, annoyingly annoying!

People smelling of old sweat!

Mothers with prams blocking the whole pavement, oblivious to other people and walking really, REALLY slowly, thinking they can do what they want, with no regard for their fellow pedestrians. This do not only annoy me, I HATE this! And one other thing, when these same women get on the tube, they have absolutely NO respect for the people already there, even when the tube is PACKED and there's no room for anybody else and certainly not for a pram, they just push their pram in front of them like a pile driver. crashing into legs and driving over toes without any apology. It should be a law against mothers using buses, trams and the tube during rush hour.

There's something that happened at work today, and it's NOT the first time it happens, and it annoys me, but I don't think I should write about it.......... Even though it's just SOOOO stupid!

I have a neighbour that annoys me. I cringe every time I see him, and I go out of my way to avoid him. Sometimes an encounter can't be helped, because he hears me coming down the steps or he sees me coming in the front door of our building (he lives on the 1st floor) and then he comes out in the hallway to talk. He truly can't be right in hi s head, there's something wrong there. He's not Norwegian, he's afraid of his father, so if I meet him in the hallway and his father is home, he just whispers to me. And HE ALWAYS WANTS TO TALK!!! I can hardly understand him, his Norwegian isn't good. And HE ALWAYS WANTS TO SHAKE HANDS!!! What's with that?! Oh, and HE ALWAYS REPEATS HIMSELF!! These last few times I've met him, he's saying: "nice people, nice people, nice people go filst ( he can't say r), nice people go filst" and he lets me go out the door before him. Other times he says: "How ale you? I am fine, thank you, thank you, how ale you?", all the time bowing, he's always bowing when talking gibberish to me and shaking my hand!!!! It's weird, spooky! And it annoys me........ I am too polite to brush him off.

Today I annoy my self as well, see post below!

When will I ever grow up??

I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY LIFE! And I don't mean family planning or anything like that. I mean what do I want to do? What do I want do do everyday for the rest of my life? What do I want to be when I grow up?! Can I continue doing what I am doing? What kind of work would make me happy for the next 35 years? I would like to have something to do that I can decide for myself. I would like to decide each day what I should do that day, I would like something I find giving and fun, something different and challenging. I would like to manage my work hours myself. I could easily live with working from home, doing something I really like. Maybe writing........... But then I would have to get much better at it than I am now! Or maybe photography......... But then I would have to get much, much, MUCH better at it than I am now! I am quite happy with my life right now, but I am in for some big changes if I am to move away and build a house with WB. I truly can't see me doing the same thing I am doing now for the rest of my working life. So I have to find something else, something fulfilling.

My life right now consists of the man I love, but I am painfully aware that I have no guarantees that it will last. It could change over night, I have experienced that before. I have a job I like, at a place I enjoy and with colleagues I (mostly) like. Unfortunately I can't keep this job if I am to move 2 hours away. And I am not interested in just finding another job just to have a job. We own an apartment I like, in a place of Oslo that I like. I have my family in this city, nearly all of my friends and everything I find enjoyable. If I am to make these big changes in my life, then at least I want a job doing something I really like. Something completely different maybe... The ultimate dream is like I mentioned, writing and photography. But I am not experienced enough or even good enough to make a living out of it. I do like cooking as well, but I can't see my self either running a restaurant or working as a chef. I am no Jamie Oliver! I am no chef at all, I just like to cook.

I think I have to picture some kind of goal, something I can work towards. If I had the money, then I would go back to school full time, But I can't afford that, especially if we're gonna build a house! So are my options to just find a reasonable well-paid job doing the same things I do now? That would be the safest thing to do, but I am not sure I want to.......... I should have a bit more faith and confidence in my self and my abilities, I am seriously lacking in that department, thanks to my ex (he really blew my self-esteem!!). With more guts and willingness on my part, maybe I would dare try to do something more about my writing. And I could try and bring out the passion I once had about photography. I do have this idea for a children's book, a kind of a fairy-tale.......... But all this demands some serious re-thinking on my part. And the whole thing is starting to deeply annoy me. How pathetic I am, that I can't find out or decide what to do with my life?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Zzzzzzzzzzzzz..... Sleep tight!

And don 't let the bedbugs bite!!

Today we got our new bed! We've been waiting four weeks now, but itś worth the wait. The bed is FANTASTIC! So inviting, tempting and attractive, it beckons me to go to sleep. At last, the old monstrosity we called our bed, is thrown away. I am looking forward to sleeping like a baby tonight!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Holy War, lunacy runs in the family

I have never doubted Bush's lunacy:

Extract from BBC News:
Mr Shaath said that in a 2003 meeting with Mr Bush, the US president said he was "driven with a mission from God".

Holy war?

"President Bush said to all of us: 'I'm driven with a mission from God. God would tell me, George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan. And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq... And I did.

"'And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it.'"

I always thought Jeb was the brain in that family!!

This was taken from thinkprogress.org:

Jeb Bush Reveals His "Mystical Warrior" Friend

Last week, after more than an hour of solemn ceremony swearing in Rep. Marco Rubio (R-FL) as House speaker, Gov. Jeb Bush stepped to the podium to tell a short story about "unleashing Chang", his "mystical warrior" friend.

Below, courtesy of the Gainesville Sun, are Bush's words, spoken before hundreds of lawmakers and politicians:

"Chang is a mystical warrior. Chang is somebody who believes in conservative principles, believes in entrepreneurial capitalism, believes in moral values that underpin a free society."
"I rely on Chang with great regularity in my public life. He has been by my side and sometimes I let him down. But Chang, this mystical warrior, has never let me down."
Bush then unsheathed a golden sword and gave it to Rubio as a gift.
"I'm going to bestow to you the sword of a great conservative warrior," he said, as the crowd roared.

I have an imaginary friend as well, her name is "Nussa", she's a 6 feet tall squirrel who helps me fight crime..................

The crowd roared? With hysterical laughter!!
Me thinks Jeb has been playing too much World of Warcraft!

Monday, October 03, 2005

I am a "closet-Brit"!!

I was able to see a rerun of BBCs "Last Night of The Proms" on TV today. Every year I try to watch this show, it's a tradition of mine. And every year I just fall to pieces.... Yes, I know it is a bunch of posh people bobbing up and down, honking horns, waving their flags and making one h.. of a noise. BUT, you can't fail to be roused by Land of Hope and Glory (Pomp and Circumstance), the Sailor's Hornpipe, Jerusalem... I know I can't and that's why I always get tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. I grin like an idiot, tears running down my cheeks and I am not able to talk, only unintelligent gibberish comes out of my mouth between the gasps and sobs. I cannot understand why I am so sentimental!! It's really quite weird...... I am a Norwegian, not a Brit!! Or maybe it's my British genes acting up, trying to show themselves, trying to get the edge over my Norwegian genes? At the end of the night, when the concert is over and the audience starts singing "Auld Lang Syne", then I burst into tears for real!


For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

And surely ye'll be your pint-stowp,
And surely I'll be mine,
And we'll tak a cup o kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

We twa hae run about the braes,
And pou'd the gowans fine,
But we've wander'd monie a weary fit,
Sin auld lang syne.

We twa hae paidl'd in the burn
Frae morning sun till dine,
But seas between us braid hae roar'd
Sin auld lang syne.

And there's a hand my trusty fiere,
And gie's a hand o thine,
And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught,
For auld lang syne

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Phlegm, mucus, fever, lack of appetite, watery eyes, lack of energy and beeing depressed.

Since Thursday morning, I've been sick. Feverish, cold, warm, sore throat, tight chest, no energy, runny nose, no appetite, lousy temperament and an aching in my whole body. Very nice time to be all alone, because of my dog Leo. Even though I felt like I would be better of dead, than this sick, I still had to take him for a walk. What a nightmare, seeing double because of the fever, dizzy and sweaty. Sometimes I wish Leo was a cat, so he could take him self out for a walk...... Poor Leo, I feel so sorry for him, having to endure an owner like me, so selfish and egotistical when she's sick! For three days now, all I've done is using pack after pack of Kleenex, coughing up phlegm until my chest caved in, feeling sorry for my self, crying for being so lonely and trying very, VERY hard Not to cough because GOD it hurts! It's actually quite amazing that the human body can produce this abundance of snot!! I have already used 25 packs of Kleenex and it doesn't look like is going to stop anytime soon! M mm, how lovely!

This just had to happen now, the only weekend WB is NOT coming home. It's like my body hates me, it just KNEW he was gonna be away, so it planned to punish me with this awful cold. How have I possibly wronged my body so? I thought I was being nice to it, taking care of it, you know, drinking over 2 liters of water every day, sweating the same 2 liters when I cycle home from work, trying to eat a lot of fruit and some vegetables, taking long walks in the wood, swimming, doing exercises for my back, sleeping well and taking vitamins. But oh no, that wasn't enough evidently. So here I am, enduring my punishment. I am taking revenge tonight though. I am eating chocolate and drinking Coke, so ha ha ha, stupid body, I've got the last laugh!!

It has been awful, I've felt so lonely because WB wasn't here. He SHOULD be here when I am so sick! He should be here and take care of me, making me feel better, walking Leo, making me hot chocolate or tea with honey, making sure I got some food, do the shopping and tucking me in at night. In stead I've had a living hell and poor Leo is the one suffering for it. I tried to make it up to him tonight, he got lots of chocolate as well. Especially for dogs that is, I don't want to punish his poor body as well as mine! I am so looking forward to Friday, when WB finally comes home. I miss him so much! Lucky him, having escaped my misery! Lucky him for being away with his colleagues on a three-day seminar at a mountain hotel eating gourmet food, while I don't have the appetite for anything at all and not having taste buds that work because of a blocked nose so it's really no point in eating anything at all!

My fever is gone now I think, maybe that's why I feel a little better, at least well enough to write this. Maybe tomorrow I have to join society again and at least look at the news to see what has been happening in the world. But for now, I am content taking Leo out for his evening walk and going to bed. Night, everybody!