Thursday, September 15, 2005

I work in admin...........


Me: Hello? I need help. I can't get in to my system. I get this (stupid) message saying I´m already logged on, maybe on another computer and that this could be a network problem.

Support: Ok, right-click on the systems icon, choose properties and write ....... in the target-area. Then click "ok" and try to log on the system with this emergency-password.

Me: Yess!! It works!

Support: Then log out, go back to properties and delete what you wrote in the target-area. Click "ok". You should now be able to log on as usual.

Me: okay..... (What I wanted to say: How could this fix anything, I haven't actually done anything, wont this just set the system back to where it was, where I couldn't log on?)

It worked.

1 minute later:

Me: Hello, I need help, I tried to register this months bonuses etc. beacuse payday is just a couples of days away (Yippi!!) and I REALLY have to finish this and send it to the bank (otherwise I'll be totally broke), but I get this error saying "Salary calculation failed" everytime I try.

Support: Well, did you.....

Me: No

Support: Have about....

Me: Nope, haven't done that either

Support: Well..... (I can hear him looking through his easy-support-answers), ehhm, I have to talk to our technicians, I will call you back.
(How come support doesn't have people who can answer anything else than FAQ? And why couldn't the support-guy let ME talk to a technician? Are they so technically busy that they don't have the time to talk to and help their customers? Who, by the way, pay HUGE sums of money just to GET their help! And why, WHY, does this have to happen to me, who are late calculating this months salaries because I was on sickleave for a week?)

Me: Ok

3 hours later I was still waiting, stressed out and fuming, pissed actually.

10 minutes later I called repeatedly before I came thru on the phone.

Support: We need you to send us a back-up copy of your SQL Server, so we can take a look at what's wrong. And maybe we can have it fixed for you tomorrow.

Me: Ok, will do (but tomorrow is a bit late!!)

I probably wont be able to pay out this months salaries to our employees.............. Support stinks, this is what our company pays over 4 dollars per minute for??!! S***!!

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