Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Today I made bread. How exciting! Not. But that's what I did today. I went to work, did my job, went home, walked the dog and startet making bread. I made two breads with pumpkin seeds and two bread with sunflower seeds. Healthy breads, no doubt. And they actually tasted good! Now I think I have to write a couple of posts to a friend's blog. If what I write is good enough to be posted, that is. I would like to be a writer, but I just don't think I've got it in me. WB says it's just lack of confidence on my part, but I don't agree. I'll give it a try anyway! Obviously, todays post is about absolutely NOTHING, so not interesting. But still, I felt I had to write something......... I miss WB, he won't be home until friday evening, sadly.

Later this evening I'm gonna watch the last two episodes of Revelations. Anybody seen this yet? I like it a lot, it's just something I would enjoy!! Actually it is not "Roger" that gave med Revelations, but another colleague. Dont I have amazing colleagues?! I just know you are envious!

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