Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Yesterday I took the day off from work. I got up early and instead of relaxing in my favourite position on the couch, I made some food, packed my fishing pole and took Leo the dog on a five hour hike in the woods. An extraordinary way to spend a day off! No fish, of course, but I did take a swim, so obviously I scared away all the little fishes. Don't care, it was a really refreshing swim! I took some pictures and are showing you one of them. Right now I'm gonna see the two last episodes of Revelations. Good Night!!


A friend of mine sent out an e-mail explaining that she was on a sickleave and wouldn't be reachable at her work e-mail. She's going thru an IVF-treatment. She started with hormonal nosespray (four times every day!!) three weeks ago. Last week she startet with her shots. She says she's too chicken to give them to herself, so her boyfriends has to. Her hormones are raging, of course. She's super sensitive and cries at stupid commercials. She feels like her ovaries are about to explode, she's going thru hormonal hell! Oh, poor sweetie, I'm so glad it's not me!! But hopefully this treatment will give som results, she could actually be pregnant next week!

Life is so unfair! So many people get pregnant that doesn't want babies, other shouldn't have babies, but get them anyway and then there are those who want and should have babies, but can't get pregnant. Why is that? You should think life could be more fair handing out the chances to get pregnant. I really hope this treatment works, she deserves good news next week when she's going back to the hospital for a chech up. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and are looking forward to a baby-sweetie!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I worry.....

I'm getting worried. Wonderful Boyfriend hasn't called or answered hos mobile. I know he was supposed to go white water-paddling after work today, but it is getting late and I worry.....


Today I made bread. How exciting! Not. But that's what I did today. I went to work, did my job, went home, walked the dog and startet making bread. I made two breads with pumpkin seeds and two bread with sunflower seeds. Healthy breads, no doubt. And they actually tasted good! Now I think I have to write a couple of posts to a friend's blog. If what I write is good enough to be posted, that is. I would like to be a writer, but I just don't think I've got it in me. WB says it's just lack of confidence on my part, but I don't agree. I'll give it a try anyway! Obviously, todays post is about absolutely NOTHING, so not interesting. But still, I felt I had to write something......... I miss WB, he won't be home until friday evening, sadly.

Later this evening I'm gonna watch the last two episodes of Revelations. Anybody seen this yet? I like it a lot, it's just something I would enjoy!! Actually it is not "Roger" that gave med Revelations, but another colleague. Dont I have amazing colleagues?! I just know you are envious!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

By the way....

Posted by ybd on 08/23/05

I have (after MONTHS of thinking) decided to move. Yup, me, I am going to move, yes I am. Leave the glorious city of Oslo.

Move away from the city, move away from my friends, my family and my work. Move away from all things splendid in the city, everything I take for granted (WHAT HAVE I DONE?????). My Wonderful Boyfriend and I have plans to buy a piece of land and build a house of our own, in his childhood town (if it can be called a town, it has about 4500 inhabitants, does that even qualify as a town?). I 'll be like the settlers of the old West, leaving behind everything near and dear, to a new and promised land! I will of course, have to do without quite a lot of things!! I mean, come on, THEY DO NOT EVEN HAVE DECENT TEA THERE!! What am I without my tea? That's like Churchill without his cigar, Juliet without her Romeo, a bear without claws......... On the plus-side, there is a small city only 20 minutes away, HOPEFULLY I will be able to find my tea there.......... (I did say hopefully.....)

And WHY would I even think of such a thing? My Wonderful Boyfriend is to blame!! Who else?! WB could not stand the city anymore (Hey, he grew up seeing only 10 people, so I could understand that!), all the traffic, the people, the crowds etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah. That's when he decided he wanted to move AWAY from the city. As a compromise he found a job where he wanted, but comes home to me every weekend. Obviously, that did NOT work very well! Otherwise I wouldn't have decided to move!! But hey! It could be wonderful, even fantastic, enjoying the nature, the mountains and such! It is certainly a chance, but you only live once. And it is not going to happen this year, anyway. I REALLY have to get used to the idea first!!

It's Tuesday and it is raining.......... I am at work, trying to give the impression of having lots and lots of work to be done (wich I do) and being as effiecient as ever (wich I certainly am not today!). But it is SO boring!! Think I am suffering from "weather-sickness", it has sapped all the energy out of me. Do think I have to go for a little walk and buy myself a small bar of pure energy.......... Yummi!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2005


At long last I am blogging!! At least I think I am......... Have to test this and see if it works proparly, but optimistic as I am, I think it really does. So now I am writing for the first time a post to my blog. Aaahhh, where to begin, what to write? I don't have a clue actually. But I think it's all going to be about me, me and ME!! My thoughts and opinions about what I like and what I find interesting. Anything from having a bad hairday, to the things I experience in my life, things I read, films, tv-series, friends and family. Nobody but my friends and family will have any interest of reading this blog, so I don't have to care about beeing funny or entertaining or morally correct or having profound and deep thoughts, thank God!! I would also like to take several pictures every week and show them to you all. So keep in touch!!