Tuesday, November 20, 2007

This blog´s drier than the Sahara.....

I keep hoping my muse will give me some inspiration, but she seems to be missing... I just can´t seem to find anything that I want to write about..... Not that I am looking for anything! I do keep this blog in the hope that things will change, but I am about to give up now. My Norwegian blog is also suffering from my lack of inspiration, but I seem to be able to update my picture blog fairly often. I have some small plans for changing my Norwegian blog so that maybe, just maybe, I´ll want to write again. I don´t have any plans at all for this blog though, so maybe it´ll just die a slow and painful death.......... Ugh, I hope not, but I´m not making any promises! It´s like my brain is hibernating! Maybe it´s not so healthy living in the country and not working full time. I need to activate my brain, stimulate it and keep it busy! I have to put in for that subscription for Atlantic Monthly now, and start reading New York Times again. Thing have gotten too far out of hand! (I´m mentally slapping my self now). I´ll keep my fingers crossed and my eyes and brain (!) open and see if anything interesting should come my way! In the meantime, have a wonderful blog day!