Thursday, November 23, 2006


Well, even though my "monster" doesn´t get soothed so easily, it also takes a bit more to release it. I think...... Or would like to believe! But this film clip is really funny and a bit annoying.You guys don´t really think it´s THAT easy to please the PMS do you? As if we wouldn´t get suspicious right away!! And now we all understand the origin of werewolves......

Ha ha, I didn´t know he had it in him!

Rumsfeld can be funny, just watch!

Friday, November 10, 2006

You´ve got to be kidding me!

This is why I don´t like religion - at all:

The blog of Marc Driscoll

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Revenge, thy name is Pelosi!

After six years of republican majority, the American people have had it with the political scandals, arogance of power and an all too expensive war. Bush´s nemesis could be a woman, Nancy Pelosi. Looking forward to the show!

Cops killed Politkovskaya?

The Russian media has pondered the question Who killed Anna Politkovskaya? since she was murdered. The Russian newspaper Kommersant claims two former policemen are responsible. The motive? Revenge. Politkovskaya wrote that the two cops were involved in the murder on at least one civilian. That´s okay then! Solve one murder with another! How clever! They must fell oh soo smart!

Monday, November 06, 2006

And the question of the day, is........

What is the definition of the term "Norwegian"? According to our Language Council, that term defines a person that belongs to the group of people that traditionally has populated this country. In other words, you have to be white to be defined as a Norwegian. That´s just plain racist. Shame on them! You can´t be a Norwegian even if you lived here for two, three or even more generations? How wrong is that??