Monday, October 30, 2006

Way to go, Britain!

It´s quite incredible, you know. How on earth did they do it? Either they didn´t know or they just didn´t care. And they admitted they knew (at least now!), so it shows they just didn´t care! Talk about arrogance! How could they not think about the millions of muslims watching the Olympics? All the muslim participants? I tell you, I do not flaunt my British citizenship at the moment!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Gaw, architects!

There´s this Norwegian architect who´s well known in Norway because he likes to create big, expensive country houses for the rich. And he likes to get what he wants, and when he doesn´t, then he always manages to say something REALLY, REALLY stupid in the media. The last time it was the female public servants, that voted no for one of his country houses. He told them that they were frustrated PMS suffering hags (or something like that). Well, this time he didn´t get what he wanted again, one of his houses was considered to be visual polluting. He didn´t take that well. Not at all! He demanded a change of colour on the balls of hay you see around the country side. You know, these big, white balls that completely disappears during winter. So I ask you, what do you find most visual polluting, Finn Sandmæl or these white, round balls?